Applied & Environmental Microbiology: Viral Tracer Studies Indicate Contamination Of Marine Waters By Sewage Disposal Practices In Key Largo, Florida by J. Paul, et. al.

John H. Paul, Joan B. Rose,
Jordan Brown, Eugene A. Shinn,
Steven Miller, and
Samuel R. Farrah

Appl. Environ. Microbiol., Jun 1995, 2230-2234, Vol 61, No. 6 1995, American Society for Microbiology ABSTRACT

Domestic wastewater disposal practices in the Florida Keys are primarily limited to on-site disposal systems such as septic tanks, injection wells, and illegal cesspits. Poorly treated sewage is thus released into the highly porous surface subsurface Key Largo Matrix.

To investigate the fate and transport of sewage in the subsurface environment and the potential for contamination of marine surface waters, we employed bacteriophages IO HSIC-1 from the septic tank to adjacent surface canal waters and outstanding marine waters occurred in as little as 11 and 23 hours, respectively.

Transport of the Salmonella phage PRD! from the simulated injection well to a canal adjacent to the injection site occurred in 11.2 hours.

Estimated rates of migration of viral tracers ranged from 0.57 to 24.2 m/r over 500-fold greater than flow rates measured previously by subsurface flow meters in similar environments.

These results suggest that current on-site disposal practices can lead to contamination of the subsurface marine waters in the Keys.

Limnology & Oceanography: Nutrient Thresholds For Eutrophication And Macroalgal Overgrowth Of Coral Reefs In Jamaica And Southeast Florida by B.E. Lapointe

Nutrient Thresholds

Brian E. Lapointe
Director, Florida Keys Programs
Division of Marine Science
Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution

Limnology & Oceanography 42(5, part 2) 1997 p.1119-1131.  1997


Some scientists have speculated that recent dramatic macroalgal overgrowth of fringing coral reefs on the north coast of Jamaica resulted primarily from reduced grazing due to overfishing and die-off of the sea urchin Diadema antillarum and dismissed entirely the possible role of eutrophication.

My study tested the alternative hypothesis that nutrient enrichment was the primary factor causing the spectacular macroalgal blooms that recently developed on reefs at Discovery Bay, Jamaica, and Palm Beach County, FL.

In both locations, groundwater discharges contributed to elevated water column DIN and SRP concentrations that exceeded nutrient thresholds (-uM DIN, O.1 uM SRP) for eutrophication on coral reefs.

At Discovery Bay, DIN and SRP concentrations ranged from 5 uM and 0.12 uM on the fore reef to 28 uM and 0.33 uM around the near shore springs, respectively.

High seawater DIN:SRP ratios (33.1 – 100:1), and macroalgal alkaline phosphatase activity [APA; 20 to 90 uM SRP released (g dry wt)-1 h-1] and tissue C:P (956:1) and N:P ratios (45:1) indicated P-limited productivity at Discovery Bay, which was corroborated by experimental studies where P-enrichment significantly increased Pmax of the shallow water opportunistic chlorophyte Chaetomorpha linum.

Recent increases in SRP concentrations of the fore reef at Discovery Bay above 0.1 uM, combined with the physical disturbance of Hurricane Allen in 1980, explains the increased standing crop biomass of Sargassum polyceratium and other macroalgae that now dominate this habitat.

In Florida, DIN and SRP concentrations ranged from 0.75 uM and 0.13 uM to 3.44 and 0.33 um on deep reefs (20 to 30 m) around blooms of Codium isthmocladum,, respectively.

Lower seawater DIN:SRP ratios (<15:1) and macroalgae APA [<20 uM SRP released (g dry wt)-1 h-1] and tissue N:P ratios suggested N-limited productivity, which was also confirmed experimentally where effects of N-enrichment significantly increased a, the photosynthetic efficiency under low irradiance.

Tissue d 15N ratios of C. isthmocladum ranged from +10.0 to 12.0 0/00 during the summer bloom, indicating waste-water-contaminated groundwaters as the Nitrogen source supporting algal growth.

These results are consistent with other case studies of eutrophication on coral reefs and refute recent speculations that reduced herbivory was the primary factor causing dramatic macroalgal overgrowth of coral reefs in Jamaica.

American Zoologist: Quantification of Loss & Change in Floridian Reef Coral Populations by J.W. Porter, O.W. Meier

American Zoologist 1992 32(6):625-640; doi:10.1093/icb/32.6.625 1992.  The Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology

James W. Porter And Ouida W. Meier
Department of Zoology, University of Georgia
Athens, Georgia 30602


Six coral reef locations between Miami and Key West were marked with stainless steel stakes and rephotographed periodically between 1984 and 1991.   The monitored areas included two photostations in the Looe Key National Marine Sanctuary, two photostations in the Biscayne National Park.   Stations were monitored for species number, percent cover, and species diversity of the scleractinian and hydrozoan stony corals.   Monitoring began in 1984 for photostations in the National Marine Sanctuaries and in 1989 for stations in the National Park.

All six areas lost coral species between the initial survey year and 1991. Survey areas lost between one and four species; these losses constituted between 13% and 29% of their species richness. Five of the six areas lost live coral cover.  Based upon photographs taken repeatedly at these locations, net losses ranged between 7.3% and 43.9%.

In the one station showing an increase in coral cover, the increase was only for the canopy branches of Acropora palmata ; understory branches of this same species lost surface area at the same rate as canopy branches gained area.   For most of the common species, there was a reduction in the total number of living colonies in the community, and a diminution in the number of large, mature colonies.

Mortality of this magnitude is often associated with hurricane damage, but in this survey the losses occurred during a period without catastrophic storms.   Sources of mortality identifiable in the photographs include (1) black band disease and (2) bleaching; other potential sources of mortality are also considered.

We conclude, for our survey areas, that loss rates of this magnitude cannot be sustained for protracted periods if the coral community is to persist in a configuration resembling historical coral reef community structure in the Florida Keys.

Natural Resources & Environment: Water Flow, Water Quality & Threatened Coral Reefs by Robin Kundis Craig

Water Flow, Water Quality and Threatened Florida Corals

The problem is that corals and the Everglades are sensitive to different pollutants,
even those in the general category of “nutrients.”  Craig analyzes the impact of
listing corals on the endangered species list.


Reprinted from Natural Resources and Environmenta, Volume 22 No. 2 Fall 2007

Reef Relief 1997 Reef Awareness Week Talks, Science Panels, & Quirolo’s State of the Reef Address conclude: Corals in Crisis

Presented at Reef Relief’s Annual Membership Meeting, July, 1997, Key West, Florida


Reef Relief’s annual membership meeting featured presentations by Craig Quirolo, Reef Relief’s founder and Director of Marine Projects, Katy Thacker of the Negril Coral Reef Preservation Society and Dr. James Porter of the University of Georgia.

Reef Relief’s Annual Membership Meeting, held Wednesday evening the Pier House Caribbean Spa, the prime event of Reef Awareness Week featured Craig Quirolo’s “State of the Reef” Address, a presentation of the Negril Coral Reef Preservation Society on Jamaica’s conservation programs as well as a captivating discussion entitled “A Pox Upon Your House: Coral disease in the Florida Keys” by Dr. James Porter of the University of Georgia.

Quirolo’s presentation included a review of the cumulative data of his on-going coral monitoring survey, now in its fifth year. The coral diseases have accelerated beyond our wildest expectations — “a coral crises of one thousand percent increase in coral disease over the past year,” noted Quirolo.

He showed slides of corals attacked by a variety of diseases. Most remarkable were recently taken slides of corals in Cuba that showed similar disease infestations. “The increase in coral diseases extends beyond the Florida Keys — oceans know no political boundaries,” added Quirolo.

Katy Thacker, executive director of the Negril Coral Reef Preservation Society, stressed the long term importance of collaborating on a regional basis, citing the multi-year cooperation between her organization and that of REEF RELIEF in efforts to install reef mooring buoys, improve water quality, launch educational programs and implement coral reef monitoring surveys.

“We cannot over-emphasize the importance of a regional focus when looking at conserving coral reef ecosystems,” added Ms. Thacker. She described a community-based programs throughout the Negril, Jamaica watershed that have heightened awareness and concern for the protection of Negril’s coral reefs.

Dr. Porter’s talk included a review of developing coral diseases in the Florida Keys. Dr. Porter, a highly trained biologist, stated: “I’m amazed at the proliferation of new diseases and the spread of better known diseases in the Florida Keys.”

The Environmental protection Agency’s Water Quality Protection Program for the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary has begin funding special studies of coral diseases that includes an analysis epidemeology of these diseases.

Dr. Porter’s coral disease team includes Dr. Esther Peters of Tetratech, Dr. Eric Mueller of the Pigeon Key Foundation and the support of Reef Relief in the Key West area in surveying a growing list that includes White Pox, Blackband, Yellowband, White Pox II, Yellow Blotch and Red Spots.

“In some cases we don’t know whether it is a bacterium, a fungus, a virus, or a protazoa — we don’t know enough,” lamented the scientist.


A talk by Dr. Brian Lapointe during the 1997 Reef Awareness Week called “Coral Reefs, Seagrasses and the Sargasso Sea”Dr. Brian Lapointe of Harborbranch Oceanographic Institution addressed a full house for the Reef Awareness Week luncheon July 25th, 1997 at Cheeca Lodge in Islamorada.His talk, entitled “Coral Reefs Seagrasses and the Sargasso Sea,” detailed in the dynamics of pelagic Sargassum, the floating seaweed in the Sargasso Sea and adjacent waters.Dr. Lapointe’s recent field research indicated the highest growth rate and biomass of Sargassum occurs in the Florida Straits and the Gulfstream where land-based run-off enriches the drifting plants with nitrogen and phosphorus.Recent observations during 1996 indicate new epiphyte or algal overgrowth on these floating communities, which serve as critical habitat for juvenile loggerhead turtles once they leave their sandy nests on-shore and head out to sea.”There the turtles join a myriad of fish and other sea-life that depend upon the floating seaweeds for protection and nutrition,” stated Lapointe.The discussion led upstream to consider the increased levels of chlorophyll, nitrogen and phosphorus levels contained in the Everglades runoff and wastewater discharges in the Florida Keys.Dr. Lapointe presented graphs and data documenting that the increased flow of water from the Everglades into Florida bay over the last few years has been accompanied by a corresponding increase in harmful nutrients, chlorophyll and turbidity, and the decline of the downstream coral reefs.Wastewater discharges in the Keys have also contributed to to the over-enrichment of local waters.Lapointe reported the results of his USPA-funded study of Looe Key reef that found chlorophyll levels averaged 0.7 micrograms per liter in 1966.This level exceeds the critical threshold for eutrophication of coral reefs as established by the case studies of Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, Barbados, and inshore reefs of the Australian Great Barrier Reef.Likewise, nitrogen levels at Looe Key were above critical thresholds for healthy coral reefs as evidenced by the “pea-soup” green water at the world famous reef.Lapointe quoted Dr. James Porter of the University of Georgia of the University of Georgia, who stated that his USEPA studies reflect a thousand percent increase in coral diseases in the Keys in the past year at the randomly-selected sites he is monitoring.The discussion that followed identified potential solutions such as the immediate need for advanced wastewater treatment (AWT) throughout the Keys and official recognition of the nitrogen problem in the Everglades.Danny Johnson of the Upper Keys Citizens Association, who co-hosted the event, noted that a citizen committee has been appointed by the Monroe County Commission to help design and implement a Master Wastewater Plan.Lapointe recommended that the National Academy of Sciences appoint a technical oversight committee to monitor the south Florida ecosystem effort.

Reef Health: Measures of Change Scientific Panel Discussion Yields Useful Information

As part of Reef Awareness Week, Reef Relief hosted a Scientific Panel Discussion Thursday evening at the Hilton Resort. Panelists Dr. Bill Alevizon, Dr. Brian Lapointe, and Reef Relief Director Craig Quirolo presented information on the changing nature of coral reefs around the world. The audience participated in a discussion of how to determine if a reef is healthy.Some of the answers were surprising and offer a quick report card for those who visit coral reefs. Fish density is not an indicator of a healthy reef; rather a diversity of species in a small area is a better parameter of a healthy coral reef. The quality of the fish populations is another parameter; fish with lesions and diseases indicate that all is not well.The color and visibility of the water is another easy test. Clean, clear ocean waters that appear to be blue or turquoise and the depth of clarity are sure indicators of a clean ocean. Yellow or green water is a sign of an abundance of chlorophyll in the water column and this provides the growth mechanism for harmful algal blooms that out-compete the corals for habitat. Scientists often measure the level of dissolved nitrogen in the water column to determine if there are too many nutrients to support healthy reef growth. An overabundance of nutrients in the water column depletes oxygen levels and may lead to eutrophication or the “stuffing” of a reef by harmful algal growth.The corals themselves can be a signal of reef health. A uniform color on the entire coral colony, the presence of an abundance of healthy coralheads in an area, and a uniform shape to the corals-neither inflated nor deflated polyps-all signal healthy conditions. Scientists often measure the percentage of coral coverage as a measure of reef health. Soft corals such as sea fans should not be torn, nor exhibit abrasions, streaks of unusual color, or fungal growth on them.Sea urchin density is often noted as a measure of reef health, because they are algal grazers. However, a coral reef that has too much nuisance algae can never become balanced by grazers alone. Other indicators of a balanced healthy coral reef are the presence of keystone species such as turtles, conch and dolphin.Reef Relief will incorporate this information into an on-line chat session so that people from all over the world can learn more about whether their coral reefs are healthy or exhibiting the signals of change. By using these simple standards, anyone can determine whether they are visiting a healthy coral reef and increase their knowledge of protecting coral reefs.