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New York Times: Extreme Heat Puts Coral Reefs at Risk, Forecasts Say

Coral bleaching, like that seen in the Flower Garden Banks off the Texas-Louisiana border, is an indicator of heat stress.    By JUSTIN GILLIS

Published: September 20, 2010

>From Thailand to Texas, many corals are reacting to heat stress by shedding their color and going into survival mode, putting the oceans’ richest ecosystems and fisheries at risk.
September 20, 2010
Extreme Heat Puts Coral Reefs at Risk, Forecasts Say
This year’s extreme heat is putting the world’s coral reefs under such severe stress that scientists fear widespread die-offs, endangering not only the richest ecosystems in the ocean but also associated fisheries that feed millions of people.

>From Thailand to Texas, corals are reacting to the heat stress by bleaching, or shedding their color and going into survival mode. Many have already died, and more are expected to do so in coming months. Computer forecasts of water temperature suggest that corals in the Caribbean may undergo drastic bleaching in the next few weeks.

What is unfolding this year is only the second known global bleaching of coral reefs. Scientists are holding out hope that this year will not be as bad, over all, as 1998, the hottest year in the historical record, when an estimated 16 percent of the world’s shallow-water reefs died. But in some places, including Thailand, the situation is looking worse than in 1998.

Scientists say the trouble with the reefs is linked to climate change. For years they have warned that corals, highly sensitive to excess heat, would serve as an early indicator of the ecological distress on the planet caused by the buildup of greenhouse gases.

“I am significantly depressed by the whole situation,” said Clive Wilkinson, director of the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network, an organization in Australia that is tracking this year’s disaster.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the first eight months of 2010 matched 1998 as the hottest January to August period on record. High ocean temperatures are taxing the organisms most sensitive to them, the shallow-water corals that create some of the world’s most vibrant and colorful seascapes.

Coral reefs occupy a tiny fraction of the ocean, but they harbor perhaps a quarter of all marine species, including a profusion of fish. Often called the “rain forests of the sea,” they are the foundation not only of important fishing industries but also of tourist economies worth billions.

Drastic die-offs of coral were seen for the first time in 1983 in the eastern Pacific and the Caribbean, during a large-scale weather event known as El Niño. During an El Niño, warm waters normally confined to the western Pacific flow to the east; 2010 is also an El Niño year.

Serious regional bleaching has occurred intermittently since the 1983 disaster. It is clear that natural weather variability plays a role in overheating the reefs, but scientists say it cannot, by itself, explain what has become a recurring phenomenon.

“It is a lot easier for oceans to heat up above the corals’ thresholds for bleaching when climate change is warming the baseline temperatures,” said C. Mark Eakin, who runs a program called Coral Reef Watch for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. “If you get an event like El Niño or you just get a hot summer, it’s going to be on top of the warmest temperatures we’ve ever seen.”

Coral reefs are made up of millions of tiny animals, called polyps, that form symbiotic relationships with algae. The polyps essentially act as farmers, supplying the algae with nutrients and a place to live. The algae in turn capture sunlight and carbon dioxide to make sugars that feed the coral polyps.

The captive algae give reefs their brilliant colors. Many reef fish sport fantastical colors and patterns themselves, as though dressing to match their surroundings.

Coral bleaching occurs when high heat and bright sunshine cause the metabolism of the algae to speed out of control, and they start creating toxins. The polyps essentially recoil. “The algae are spat out,” Dr. Wilkinson said.

The corals look white afterward, as though they had been bleached. If temperatures drop, the corals’ few remaining algae can reproduce and help the polyps recover. But corals are vulnerable to disease in their denuded condition, and if the heat stress continues, the corals starve to death.

Even on dead reefs, new coral polyps will often take hold, though the overall ecology of the reef may be permanently altered. The worst-case situation is that a reef dies and never recovers.

In dozens of small island nations and in some coastal areas of Indonesia and the Philippines, people are heavily dependent on reef fish as a source of protein. The death of corals is not immediately lethal to the fish, but if the coral polyps do not recover, scientists say the reef can eventually collapse, and the associated fishery will become far less productive.

Research shows that is already happening in parts of the Caribbean, though people there are not as dependent on fishing as those living on Pacific islands.

It will be months before this year’s toll is known for sure. But scientists tracking the fate of corals say they have already seen widespread bleaching in Southeast Asia and the western Pacific, with corals in Thailand, parts of Indonesia and some smaller island nations being hit especially hard earlier this year.

Temperatures have since cooled in the western Pacific and the immediate crisis has passed there, even as it accelerates in places like the Caribbean where the waters are still warming. Serious bleaching has been seen recently in the Flower Garden Banks, a marine sanctuary off the Texas-Louisiana border.

In Thailand, “there some signs of recovery in places,” said James True, a biologist at Prince of Songkla University. But in other spots, he said, corals were hit so hard that it is not clear young polyps will be available from nearby areas to repopulate dead reefs.

“The concern we have now is that the bleaching is so widespread that potential source reefs upstream have been affected,” Dr. True said.

Even in a hot year, of course, climate varies considerably from place to place. The water temperatures in the Florida Keys are only slightly above normal this year, and the beloved reefs of that region have so far escaped serious harm.

Parts of the northern Caribbean, including the United States Virgin Islands, saw incipient bleaching this summer, but the tropical storms and hurricanes moving through the Atlantic have cooled the water there and may have saved some corals. Farther south, though, temperatures are still remarkably high, putting many Caribbean reefs at risk.

Summer is only just beginning in the Southern Hemisphere, but water temperatures off Australia are also above normal, and some scientists are worried about the single most impressive reef on earth. The best hope now, Dr. Wilkinson said, is for mild tropical storms that would help to cool Australian waters.

“If we get a poor monsoon season,” he said, “I think we’re in for a serious bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef.”

Coral-list: Media and Oil Spill Science; disclosure of conflicts of interest

Reply |Bill Allison to Steve, coral-list
show details August 29, 2010

Good-day Steve:

Disclosure is not a novel concept (e.g., Harding, 1949), and is required by
most journals (e.g., Davidoff and DeAngelis, 2001). Is it unreasonable to
expect it in politically and economically freighted discussions on this
Harding, T. S. (1949). “Vested Interests in Scientific Research.” American
Journal of Economics and Sociology 8(2): 181-192.
A prominent industrialist once spoke of scientific research as being “the
first line of defense of the capitalistic dynamic economy as opposed to a
State-planned economy.” Science thus itself becomes propaganda. Very often
what appears to be an authentic scientific publication is nothing but
disguised propaganda.

Davidoff, F., C. D. DeAngelis, et al. (2001). “Sponsorship, authorship and
accountability.” Canadian Medical Association Journal 165(6): 786-788.

What follows was abstracted from the section on publication ethics from the
“Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals:
Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publication”. This was adopted as CMAJ
policy on May 11, 2001.

Financial relationships (such as employment, consultancies, stock ownership,
honoraria, paid expert testimony) are the most easily identifiable conflicts
of interest and the most likely to undermine the credibility of the journal,
the authors, and of science itself. p.787

On Sat, Aug 28, 2010 at 11:15 PM, Steve Mussman <>wrote:

> Realizing that there is a spirited consensus (based on remarks
> posted in previous discussions) that we keep this list from becoming
> politically charged, I would like to momentarily step between adversaries
> involved in the discussion on the media and oil spill science.
> My fear is that without modification we may ultimately lose
> the opportunity to candidly discuss issues that are in vital need
> of being aired among members of this forum.
> Considering that there is an obvious call for scientists to communicate
> more directly with the public on so many contemporary issues,
> although fully unauthorized, I would like to make a suggestion.
> When participants are identifying themselves (by citing credentials)
> it might help to avoid undue controversy (and the associated
> animus this sometimes creates) if they would freely reveal any
> affiliations that might reflect even the potential for a conflict of
> interest.
> In this way, perhaps we can assure the continuation of these much needed
> and valued discussions and, at the same time, be able to more accurately
> assess and evaluate the opinions expressed without eliciting resentment.
> Steve Mussman
> Totally void of credentials worthy of mention.
> Just an old diver and self-avowed ocean and marine life advocate.

August 30th, Bill provided this additional information:

Here are my notes on the Davidoff article if the elaboration is useful.
Davidoff, F., C. D. DeAngelis, et al. (2001). “Sponsorship, authorship and accountability.” Canadian Medical Association Journal 165(6): 786-788.
What follows was abstracted from the section on publication ethics from the “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publication”. This was adopted as CMAJ policy on May 11, 2001. The full revised “Uniform Requirements” will be published later.
Financial relationships (such as employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, paid expert testimony) are the most easily identifiable conflicts of interest and the most likely to undermine the credibility of the journal, the authors, and of science itself. p.787
When authors submit a manuscript, whether an article or a letter, they are responsible for disclosing all financial and personal relationships between themselves and others that might bias their work. To prevent ambiguity, authors must state explicitly whether potential conflicts do or do not exist. Authors should do so in the manuscript on a conflict of interest notification page that follows the title page, providing additional detail, if necessary, in the accompanying cover letter. p.788
Biases potentially introduced when sponsors are directly involved in research are analogous to methodological biases of other sorts; some journals therefore choose to include information about the sponsor’s involvement in the methods section of the published paper. p.788
Editors should avoid selecting external peer reviewers with obvious potential conflicts of interest, for example, those who work in the same department or institution as any of the authors. p.788
If a study is funded by an agency with a proprietary or financial interest in the outcome, editors may ask authors to sign a statement such as, “I had full access to all of the data in this study and I take complete responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis.” Editors should be encouraged to review copies of the protocol and/or contracts associated with project-specific studies before accepting such studies for publication.
Editors who make final decisions about manuscripts must have no personal, professional or financial involvement in any of the issues they might judge. Other members of the editorial staff, if they participate in editorial decisions, must provide editors with a current description of their financial interests (as they might relate to editorial judgments) and disqualify themselves from any decisions where they have a conflict of interest. p.788
Editors should avoid submitting to their own journal reports of original research to which they have contributed as authors. p.788

>Special thanks to Coral-list

Marine Pollution Bulletin: Modeling patterns of coral bleaching at a remote Central Pacific atoll.

Williams GJ, Knapp IS, Maragos JE, Davy SK (2010) Marine Pollution Bulletin 60: 1467-1476
Link to paper through ScienceDirect:
This paper reports on the effects of the late 2009 El Nino on the reefs at Palmyra Atoll National Wildlife Refuge, Northern Line Islands, Central Pacific.

A mild bleaching event occured (9.2% prevalence) in response to the elevated and sustained temperatures and we relate local environmental conditions to spatial patterns of bleaching.

Special thanks to Coral-list and  Gareth J. Williams (on behalf of the authors) who posted this.