Coral-list: New Identification Guide for Coral Reef Sponges at Glover’s Atoll Belize

Dear coral-listers

I would like to draw your attention about a picture identification guide for common coral reef sponges of Glover’s Atoll Belize, produced by the Wildlife Conservation Society – Belize.

Although proper identification often requires microscopic examination, the images herein may help you get close and provide a starting point.

This guide may be copied and used freely for educational purposes from:


Manuel González-Rivero

Manuel González-Rivero
Postdoctoral Fellow

Coral Reef Ecosystems Laboratory
The University of Queensland
Tel  +61 7 334 69576 | Fax +61 7 3365 4755
Skype nano_magr | W

Sierra Club: Don’t pump sugar’s polluted water into Lake Okeechobee

We must not begin backpumping dirty water into Lake Okeechobee again. Nor can we afford to avoid cleaning the water prior to releasing it downstream to run through the Everglades to the coral reefs of the Florida Keys. That mistake in the 80’s  led to massive coral losses on the Florida reef tract.  DV
by Sierra Club’s Everglades Team
August 8, 2012
Dear South Florida Water Management District Governing Board members,
Thank you for looking into alternatives that could provide water to the Caloosahatchee River.
More than a century of drainage, channelization and diking plus climate-induced drought has led us to the current dilemma. However, backward pumping polluted water is not the solution.
The Sierra Club, the country’s oldest and largest grassroots environmental organization, opposes any plan to pump agricultural pollution into Lake Okeechobee.
Under the plan to boost water levels, untreated EAA run-off, laden with nitrogen, phosphorus, pesticides and herbicides, would be pumped backwards into Lake Okeechobee.
According to a recent South Florida Sun-Sentinel report, the pollutants “could lead to a dead zone in the lake, resulting in algae blooms and low oxygen levels that kill fish, aquatic insects and disrupt other aspects of the lake’s food chain.”
Polluted runoff would run through the heart of the City of Belle Glade and be pumped into Lake Okeechobee at Torry Island, home to the community’s public fishing area and recreational space. Backpumping would be detrimental to the local public’s enjoyment of the area and would all but eliminate any tourism in this community.
In addition, pumping water into Lake Okeechobee diverts water critically needed in the Everglades, water that the State of Florida is proposing to spend an additional $890 million to clean. Instead of cleaning the water and allowing it to flow south to the Everglades naturally, the District would force the water back north, cutting off a vital water supply to the water-starved wetlands and native species. Diverting water that would otherwise go to the Everglades and replenish the aquifer would reduce water available to Southeast Florida’s urbanized areas.
The Sierra Club supports supplying more water to the Caloosahatchee by modifying the adaptive protocols to eliminate the tributary hydrologic conditions restraint, prioritizing the Lake Hicpochee project, expediting the C-43 reservoir, and greater water conservation measures.
Taking these steps – not backpumping – will protect the Greater Everglades, as well as the people and the economies that depend upon a healthy ecosystem.
Again, thank you for your attention to this important matter.
Jonathan Ullman,
Sierra Club Everglades Team
Sierra Club South Florida/Everglades Office, 2600 SW 3rd Ave., 5th Floor, Miami, FL 33129, 305-860-9888

Future Forum: Can Coral Reefs Survive the next century? Video by ABC

The Great Barrier Reef and the other great coral reefs are the largest living structures on the planet and among the world’s most diverse ecosystems. It has been estimated that more than 250 million people depend on the world’s coral reefs to provide their income, sustenance and livelihoods. Now the triple threat of overfishing, pollution and climate change is threatening the existence of many coral reefs, with some suggesting that up to a fifth of the world’s reefs have already been destroyed.

So how can we ensure the continued survival of the remaining coral reefs? Are marine parks the only solution? And while the world’s population continues to expand, how can we meet the growing food and energy demands while still protecting fragile coral reefs?

Leading experts and practioners meet in Cairns to debate these issues in front of an informed audience.

The Future Forum is presented by ABC News 24 in partnership with James Cook University.

Sierra Club Florida News: National Environmental CEO’s Ask EPA to Reject Florida’s Nutrient Standards

American Rivers ● Clean Water Action ● Earthjustice ● Environment America ● Friends of the Earth ● Izaak Walton League of America ● League of Conservation Voters ● National Parks Conservation Association ● National Wildlife Federation ● Natural Resources Defense Council ● Physicians for Social Responsibility ● Sierra Club
July 19, 2012
The Honorable Lisa Jackson, Administrator     The Honorable Nancy Sutley, Chair
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency             White House Council on Environmental Quality
Ariel Rios, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.        722 Jackson Place N.W.
Washington, DC 20004                                       Washington, DC 20506
Dear Administrator Jackson and Chair Sutley,
As leaders of the nation’s largest environmental organizations concerned with public health and clean water, we write you on behalf of our millions of members and supporters to urge you to protect Florida’s waters from toxic algae outbreaks and disapprove Florida’s proposed standards that fail to achieve that goal. This is both a regional and national imperative, as nitrogen and phosphorous pollution from sewage treatment plants, fertilizer and manure runoff, and other sources foul not only Florida’s waters but also rivers, streams, lakes, and beaches across the country.
Passage of the Clean Water Act forty years ago was one of the most important and popular environmental achievements in our history, creating a legacy of cleaner water in the United States. The growing numbers of toxic algae outbreaks in Florida and beyond demonstrates that the job of ending the pollution of the nation’s waters is still far from complete.  In Florida, 70 percent of freshwater springs have nutrient concentrations at least 500 percent higher than historic background concentrations.   Just last month, Northern Florida’s Santa Fe River experienced it’s first ever massive algae bloom along the most popular canoeing section of the river. Last month, Glades, Hendy, and Lee counties all issued public health advisories warning the public to stay out of the algae infested waters of the Caloosahatchee River in the southwest part of the state.
Reducing nutrient pollution is a critically important issue for the environmental community in Florida and it has been a long fought battle with polluting industries and their friends in state government to address it. EPA must act to protect Florida’s waters from toxic algae outbreaks to avoid economic impacts in addition to the environmental ones. Tourism at Florida’s famous beaches is vulnerable if swimming means risking respiratory distress from red tide toxins. Waterfront property owners are faced with “Algae Alert” signs warning people not to swim in, drink, or eat fish from those waters, or even let their pets near the water. People who swam, fished, and went boating in these lakes, rivers, and streams as children are shocked by their current condition.
At issue today is whether EPA will approve Florida’s state standards. Governor Scott’s administration is asking EPA to approve state rules written for the polluting industries.  While the state claims to have adopted EPA-approvable rules, it has not.
We understand that a great deal of lobbying pressure is being applied to get EPA to approve Florida’s standards.  We urge that you do not. At a minimum, EPA must look carefully at whether the state’s rules will meet acceptable pollution limits and protect Florida’s waters.
As the 40th anniversary of the Clean Water Act approaches, EPA is asking the public “Water, Is It Worth It?”  We believe the answer in Florida and across the country is a resounding “Yes.”  EPA can demonstrate its commitment to clean water by ending toxic algae pollution in Florida.   We urge you to protect America’s legacy of clean water so that future generations may benefit fromthese important resources.  .

Thank you for your continued commitment to protecting our nation’s waters.
Trip Van Noppen
Wm. Robert Irvin
President and CEO
American Rivers
Margie Alt
Executive Director
Environment America
Michael Brune
Executive Director
Sierra Club
Robert Wendelgass
President and CEO
Clean Water Action
Erich Pica
Friends of the Earth
Frances Beinecke
Natural Resources Defense Council
Catherine Thomasson, MD
Executive Director
Physicians for Social Responsibility
Thomas C. Kiernan
National Parks Conservation Association
Larry J. Schweiger
President and CEO
National Wildlife Federation
David W. Hoskins
Executive Director
Izaak Walton League of America
Gene Karpinski
League of Conservation Voters

Interpress Service News Agency: Scientists Declare State of Emergency for World’s Coral Reefs

By Stephen Leahy Reprint |       | Print | Send by email |En español
Pristine coral reef situated in a Jordanian marine reserve wrapped by a drifting fishing net. Credit: Malik Naumann/Marine PhotobankPristine coral reef situated in a Jordanian marine reserve wrapped by a drifting fishing net. Credit: Malik Naumann/Marine Photobank

CAIRNS, Australia, Jul 10 2012 (IPS) – Coral reef scientists urged local and national governments to take action to save the world’s coral reefs and said they’d be “on call 24/7″ to assist politicians and officials.

Without global action to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and greatly improve local protection, most of the world’s coral reefs will be devastated and the benefits they provide billions of people will be lost in the coming decades, scientists warned at the opening of 12th International Coral Reef Symposium (ICRS) in Cairns, Australia.

The international coral reef science community is in 100 percent agreement on the urgent need for action to protect reefs and more than 2,500 marine scientists have signed a consensus statement to that effect, said Stephen Palumbi, director of Hopkins Marine Station at Stanford University in California.

“It will take strong leadership by policy makers to make changes to protect reefs. We want them to know we are here to help, to provide the science to support those changes,” Palumbi told IPS.

Protecting reefs locally may mean reducing fishing, preventing pollution, constraining coastal development and other measures that may be seen as politically risky or difficult, he acknowledged. However, scientists stand ready to back up local and global efforts to save reefs.

“We have the science to defend those decisions. There is very good data on how to protect reefs and we know what works,” he said.

For more than 2.6 billion people, seafood is their main source of protein, said Jane Lubchenco, a marine scientist and head of the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Corals act as the nurseries and habitat for many fish species in addition to providing shoreline protection from storms.

“Corals are extraordinarily valuable to humanity,” Lubchenco said in her address to the more than 2,100 attendees from more than 80 countries.

“A study from Belize estimated that without reefs protecting the shoreline, storms would cause 240 million dollars in damages,” she said.

Over the past decade threats to reefs have gone from “worrisome to dire”, she said. Before mid-century, half of the remaining reefs will experience severe bleaching due to rising ocean temperatures. Healthy corals can recover if bleaching does not last too long.

Bleaching, overfishing, pollution and disease have largely wiped out the fabulous coral communities of the Caribbean. The region has lost 80 percent of its corals since the 1970s, said Jeremy Jackson, professor of oceanography emeritus, Scripps Institution of Oceanography.

A few small well-protected areas like those around the island of Bonaire are doing okay, Jackson told IPS. Otherwise it is only “coral reefs that are too remote to be polluted or plundered that look great,” he said.

However, in future, bleaching and increasingly acidic oceans will impact even the remotest reefs.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted from using fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas has made the oceans about 30 percent more acidic, researchers discovered less than 10 years ago. Oceans absorb one-third of this CO2, which has slowed the rate of global warming.

The bad news is oceans are now more acidic and it will get worse as more CO2 is emitted. This is basic, well-understood ocean chemistry.

There is no scientific disagreement on these points. The “Consensus Statement on Climate Change and Coral Reefs” states that: “CO2 emissions at the current rate will warm sea surface temperatures by at least 2-3°C, raise sea-level by as much as 1.7 meters, reduce ocean pH from 8.1 to less than 7.9, and increase storm frequency and/or intensity. This combined change in temperature and ocean chemistry has not occurred since the last reef crisis 55 million years ago.”

Without major reductions in CO2 emissions, climate change’s “evil twins” of hotter oceans and more acidic oceans will leave perhaps only 10 percent of world’s reefs alive by 2070, said Robert Richmond, president of the International Society for Reef Studies and a marine biologist at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.

Reefs have recovered from nuclear bomb testing in 1950s so they are tough, but the chronic impacts of pollution, overfishing, sedimentation and overfishing leave them weakened and incapable of withstanding disease outbreaks and the stresses of bleaching and acidification, he said.

“What we leave to our grandchildren will directly reflect what we do here and over the next few years.”

"You must be the change you want to see in the world." Mahatma Gandhi