The Huffington Post: Oil Spill Found On Shrimp Seafood In Newly Opened Gulf Waters (VIDEO)

This is just the beginning of a long term problem. DV

The Huffington Post | Joanna Zelman First Posted: 11-23-10 12:23 PM | Updated: 11-23-10 12:23 PM

375 Tar Balls. Not quite as appetizing a shrimp side dish as cocktail sauce. But according to FOX 10 News, that’s just what the shrimp boat Our Mother caught in its net this past week – enough tar balls to ruin thousands of dollars worth of shrimp.

The boat was trawling in newly re-opened waters north of the Deepwater Horizon well site when it hauled tar balls in with its shrimp. Due to this boat’s disturbing catch, NOAA (The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) will perform trawls in the same area, and probably sample the shrimp for seafood safety. Based on their findings, the NOAA may consider re-closing the area. In the meantime, piles of shrimp sit spoiled on a nearby dock.

Special thanks to Diana Dodson

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